A Simple Question, A Simple Answer.
Right now I find myself at a crossroads of life. I'm nearing 30, was
just let go from a workplace where I had poured quite a bit of myself
over nearly 5 years, and have a wife of almost one year who's not
feeling as well as she'd like. I will readily admit I am no perfect man,
and have definitely done things that are sinful, and have done my fair
share rebelling against God. All this that is happening right now does
make me question somethings, and at the same time solidifies my beliefs.
When someone loses their job, or get sick (or in my case have something
similar to both happen at nearly the same time) people always ask, "How
are you?" or some variation thereof. In times past I would say "had
better days, had worse" or "six of one, half-dozen of another" or "I'm
climbing" or something along those lines. It indicates a truth about how
I'm feeling at the time - definitely not where I want to be. This time
has been different. Even though I have the added stress of being in a
completely new situation (the last time I was unemployed I was also
single and not living on my own) with added responsibilities, I have no
problem whatsoever of saying, "I'm fine." And I mean it too.
I mean, I've never been in something like this - never in a position
where things were more than slightly dependent on benefits at work (heck
last time I lost my job I didn't even have benefits). Never in a
position where my living situation was at stake, or having to consider
getting unemployment (I detest all things government mostly, with the
exception of the military and law enforcement). But through all of this
I have a peace that hasn't been there before. I know, without a shadow
of a doubt that my wife and I will be fine. I have no clue how that will
look, or when it will happen, but I know we'll be fine.
It's strange how a simple question can impact you like that. I can't
control most of the things that will make things "fine" but I know they
will be. And more to the point, if fine means that I don't have an
apartment or a computer, or a good reputation (credit history and the
like - I plan on keeping a good legal record) Erin and I will be just
fine. I guess right now that's the meaning for me of "Take every thought
captive" - if He's taking care of the sparrows and the flowers and
trees, how much more is He going to take care of Erin and Me?