05 November 2008

Frustrating Futility

History is incredible. Watching history being made is inspiring. Knowing
history was made because people don't know their history is infuriating,
slightly. (I was trying to keep the trend going). Don't get me wrong, I
think it's wonderful that we've elected a man of African descent to the
highest office in the most powerful country in the world. That's great,
it's a monumental occasion. But the person everyone says would have
loved this, I think would be turning in his grave. He didn't want people
judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

I wonder if we really understand the whole issue of race and what it
means in this country? One side would have you think the other is
racist, and vice versa. However when we look at the facts of history,
while one side was not necessarily active in fighting the injustice of
slavery, there were those in certain persuasions that were actively
trying to maintain a status quo that was most definitely not positive
for those under the oppression of slavery. I marvel that this tradition
has been kept, and even managed to place those they oppress the worst at
their head. Truly there is a God since this has happened. All of us have
a bias toward things we are familiar with - we are all certainly more
comfortable with the things we know. Is that racism? No, it is simply a
normal form of the flawed human nature, but those who strive to be more
bold about overcoming that natural fear of the unknown are made to
believe that it is. True racism is a violent and more grossly negative
attitude not when you do not know what you are dealing with, but when
you /do/ know what you're dealing with.

Members of the Klu Klux Klan, and the White supremacist movements are
racists. They know full well who they are dealing with - human beings of
different color skin and different beliefs as them. What is unknown
about these groups? Nothing - they're human beings just the same. They
often times know more about the groups of people they oppose the the
people themselves. Why? because for some evil reason they can see no
good. While I will be the first to tell you that the heart of man is
deceitful above all things, and than man at his unsaved core is evil,
still good can be found, just as with Darth Vader. While man is evil, he
was created by good, and good cannot create evil, evil is chosen. In all
of us there is some form of hope, however that hope and the means of
achieving it are often twisted. Logic, as wonderful as it can be, is
still flawed when used by a flawed machine.

Still, we have watched incredible things these last few years. Hope is
still alive and while I might find myself raising my voice to the
unresponsive radio or T.V. I know that the ultimate good - God is still
in control, and that His promise - "In all things, God works together
for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His
purpose" is still true. And while I might point out with logic that the
government based on socialism is doomed to failure every time, I can see
with logic that we must care for our fellow man. Change is the only
constant and the pendulum will swing until the final day. I say Amen -
so be it - and pray that God will help my stubborn unbelief, and calm my
frustrations, that I would continue to hold to my un-futile hope.
