16 July 2006

No Subject

Another few months go by and it becomes time to post again. Again, not because I feel any requirement to post, but because I feel it's time to. I've had a lot of things going through my head the last month and a half or so, and just haven't brought myself to sit down and divulge any of the slightly in no way completely unrelated connected random thoughts that cruise the neural pathways that make of the 3 or so pounds of pinkish-gray matter contained within my cranial cavity. Yes I know that was a long complex and probably very grammatically incorrect sentence just previous, but welcome to my mind.  :-)

In any case - to carry on. One of my coworkers stumbled upon my blog a couple of months ago and said to me that as the coworker read through my various posts, they were saying to themselves, "Yes, that's him. . . Wait, that's not his writing, is it?" And so on back and forth. This posed to me a slight dilemma. I try to be consistent and constant throughout my life - both written, thought, perceived, actual and acted out, private and personal. It seems then, that I have failed miserably at this endeavor. Well, this is true, and I would gladly admit it - though I would not give out any details of how exactly this comes to be, but those that know me will fully understand the details. It is very hard to put down everything that goes on in my mind, and the becomes extremely frustrating to me. I often wish that I could have a sort of machine that could route all the different trains of the thought that traverse the mental railways of the aforementioned 3+lbs of pinkish-gray matter, and assist them to arrive at a destination of either written or aural form. This form could then be later reviewed so as to help me know what the heck is going on inside me. So if any of you reading this are inventors - a task has now been set before you, snap to it. The other problem I face in distilling these thoughts on to a form legible and readable even is making them concise. Another friend reading my blog has often commented that they seem like mini essays, not that a short essay is bad, but who wants to read those on a blog?

So another question is posed to those of you who read my blog - do I ramble too much, as I seem to be doing right now? Well, it's about time to head in to practice, as soon as the other members of the band show up. Just waiting for the two guitarists, two vocalists, the bassist and drummer. It seems that the usual late suspects - myself, and the other of the keyboard players are here, and early it would seem! Not certain when they'll get here, though practice was supposed to start at 9, and it's now 9:13 as I write.


So I got done with practice, and I'm a little upset because I didn't get done when I thought we would so I could get into a different place to get online, but that's moot. I'm on now. I do have a few different things I'd like to write about, would just like some input if people prefer long posts or short ones. Just leave me a comment.
