06 April 2005

Continuing with Moses

Now, I know it's already Wednesday, but I haven't had much chance to write some stuff recently. Anyway, on to what I was thinking. Friday night was Church of Rock, and we started talking about Moses - connecting the dots in faith, and just following the lead of God (take that either way). Sunday night, we have a united praise meeting, and the Commissioner (he's the leader of the Salvation Army in the Western Territory, for more information on that, go here www.salvationarmy.org.) What portion of scripture does he take the text for his sermon from? Exodus, where Moses meets God at the burning bush, and God says, "Go free my people," and Moses says, "I'm the wrong guy, and they won't believe me." So God tells Moses to throw his shepherd's staff (rod) on the ground. Moses obeys, and the staff becomes a snake, and scares the bejeebers out of Moses. God then tells him to pick up, or as it says in the King James Version "Grab hold of it by the tail." (I think that's how it's said - look it up for yourself though.) So he does, and it becomes a staff again.

Long and short of it, the Commissioner was just getting at the fact that Moses was given a rod of authority, which was his Link to God. So long as he held it, and connected the dots in God's way, powerful things happened - from the Nile turning to blood, to plagues springing from the ground and falling from the sky, to the Red Sea parting, and water coming from a rock. He wanted us to consider what it was that we held on to, so that we could connect with God, and show his power. I think the biggest insight I got, was that it works when we listen to God, and we have our hearts set on following him.

Interesting how completely unconnected meetings have very similar themes. Through it all - whether it be looking at and living life one dot at a time in faith, or grasping hold of the Rod given us by God, and following him, there is this root - All the promises of God are sure, if only you believe.



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